Job Description:
1.Support the project leader of LEAP
— Creation of processes overview and status follow up
— Creation of newsletter and support of communication concept
— Creation of project progress report
2.Collect and analyse tire quality data from tire plants and markets via established IT system and internal communication
3.Propose tire quality improvement activities based on analysed data in team work with Shanghai Quality and customer service managers
Benefit for Intern:
— Getting to know the process of a professional quality management in an international company
— Getting to know the standard process of project management
Necessary Requirements:
— Good at Microsoft excel and PowerPoint
— Fluent in English
— At least 3 days a week for 3 months
• 工作内容
— 协助主管日常检查项目中的文件
— 定期更新跟进项目流程进度
— 协助主管完成项目进展报告
3. 主管交代的其他相关工作
• 岗位要求
1. 熟练使用excel,PPT等
2. 英语熟练
3. 专注、细心
4. 最少可持续三个月
• 薪资福利
1. 世界500强实习履历背景
2. 良好的英文工作环境,周围同事来自亚太各个国家,也是锻炼口语和听力的好时机
3. 主管超级nice, 很耐心教你,还有周围同事也都愿意分享经验,可以get超多技能
4. 实习工资本科生15/h,研究生20/h(税前)
5. 食堂午餐选择丰富,办公室咖啡零食随便吃,Team氛围轻松愉快