1. MSC Operation : 1) Weekly Meeting Organization
2) GR Tracking
3) Attandency and Leave Record for MSC
4) Project report Tracking
5) Vendor Management (Attendance & Leave)
2) GR Tracking
3) Attandency and Leave Record for MSC
4) Project report Tracking
5) Vendor Management (Attendance & Leave)
2. Digital & Intelligent Manufacturing
1) Preparing Deck for government declared about intellegent manufacturing
2) Collect the IT relative intellegent manufacturing requirment
3) Assist PTO IT Mgr to deliver the Inhouse IT Project
4) Assist the AMS of Digital applications and intellegent manufacturing project
1. 熟悉并辅助制造IT相关数字化资产管理工作和系统
2. 辅助制造IT相关汇报和整理工作
3. 了解,参与数字化工厂相关体验和创新活动