1. 日常电话接听 Answer to the phone calls 30%;
2. 处理往来快递 Courier receipt and sending 30%;
3. 办公用品订购 Office suppliers purchasing 10%;
4. 办公室日常清洁及维护 Office daily cleaning and maintenance 10%;
5. 日常接待 Daily Reception 10%;
6. 协助办公室员工处理日常简单文件,如中文包装材料设计和修改 Assist in simple documentation. For example, the design of Chinese packaging.
任职条件 Qualifications:
· 文化程度 Education: 正规院校大学本科或以上学历 Bachelor Degree;
· 计算机及外语水平 Computer & Language Skills:
熟练应用电脑和常用办公软件 Basic computer skills
可用英语交流 Able to communicate in English
· 能力要求 Competency:
良好的沟通和协调能力 Good communication and coordination skills;
有团队精神,具有主动性 A good team player, initiative
· 合规 Compliance