1. 协助渴望宣言日常工作,参与组织全国青少年节水设计大赛,去全国各个学校进行节水宣讲。
2. 参与各个机构以及国际学校组织的慈善公益活动,如:长城音乐节、草莓音乐节、地球日环保节等等。你还可以自己参与并开发更多的公益活动。
3. 联系并发展更多的院校与渴望宣言合作,你有机会回到母校,与学弟学妹分享节水知识。
1. 有基本的英文沟通和写作能力。
2. 有责任感、认真、有团队合作精神。
3. 思维活跃,善于创新。
4. 可以接受一定的时间的国内出差。
5. 会使用基本的Microsoft office软件。
6. 工作时间灵活,接受调休,可以沟通。
1. 成为我们的实习生:每周工作3天以上,连续工作3个月,每天将有一定的实习补贴,并获得由渴望宣言提供的工作证明。
2. 中英文双语工作环境,工作时间可以弹性调整,气氛轻松,办公室有零食供应。
About Thirst:
Thirst is an NGO engaged in water conversation education for youth. Besides education, Thirst also holds club activities in schools and communities. We are looking for enthusiastic youth like you to participate in the water conversation activities and solve water crisis with us.
Job description:
1. Support, execute and coordinate Silk Road Innovation Competition. Go to schools and delivery the We Water Experience Lecture.
2. Participate or organize any charity or social activities, such as Strawberry Music Festival, Great Wall Music Festival and the Earth Day
3. Outreach more schools to corporate with Thirst. You might have the chance to alma mater and build up a water conserving community there.
1. Teamwork player, working effectively with others.
2. Enable to accept flexible working time and sometimes have to go on a business trip.
3. Think outside box.
Essential skills:
4. Excellent writing and oral English skills
5. Enable the production of visually appealing and professional Word, Excel and PPT document.
1. To become our intern: work at least 3 days a week, consistently 3 months. You will get a certain amount of allowance. If you finish your internship outstandingly, you will get the Thirst Intern Certificate.
2. We provide a bilingual working environment with easy going coworkers.