





Company Introduction 公司简介 Founded in Shanghai in 2001, ZUCZUG/ is a leading brand of women clothing. ZUCZUG/成立于2001年,是一个立足于中国上海的女装品牌。 ZUCZUG/’s designs are based on the imaginative quality of life, using women of all kinds (not just size models) as wearers of these clothes that give us a bright, free and humorous quality. ZUCZUG/以“来自于生活的想象力”为基本的设计理念,以真实的普通女性为品牌形象,风格明朗、自由轻松、富有幽默感。 ZUCZUG/ contains three collections: “Z”-Design collection, “Sign language”-Organic collection, “blue”- Jeans Collection, “Zero” –Sports Collection, “Extra”-Accessories. Theme collection – a collection inspired by everyday occurrences, brought to the public twice a year between S/S and A/W. ZUCZUG/的产品包含多个系列: “Z”系列、“手语”环保系列、“蓝”牛仔系列、“零”运动系列、“Extra”配件系列,以及一个特殊的“没事儿”主题系列,以日常生活为素材,只在每年夏秋以及冬春换季时问世。 After a decade’s of development, ZUCZUG/ has become one of the most influential and important local women’s clothing brands in China. It has won the “2012 China Innovation Award” by The Wall Street Journal. 经过10多年的发展,ZUCZUG/已经成为中国本土非常有影响力的、最重要的女装品牌之一。于2012年被《华尔街日报》中文版评选为“2012年度中国他新人物奖”。 The headquarter of ZUCZUG/ is located in downtown Shanghai, an area where convenient transportation is provided, whereas the logistics center is in Song Jiang industrial park. ZUCZUG/ also has a four-stories branch office in Beijing 798 Art District. ZUCZUG/总部位于上海市交通便利的中心城区,同时在城郊工业园区设有物流中心。在北京有个分公司,位于北京798艺术园区内一栋独立的四层建筑楼内。 ZUCZUG/ encourages ‘FREE, OPEN, COOPERATIVE’ culture. The young employees all from diverse place culture and background contributing towards the positive creative environment. ZUCZUG/ 提倡“平等、开发、合作”的公司文化与工作理念。公司有来自不同地区和不同背景的年轻员工主体,创造轻松愉快的工作氛围。 Since 2014, the ‘Chit Chat Institute ’ regularly invites experts from different areas to hold lectures in the company. The ‘Chit Chat Institute’ also provides the professional trainings to all employees. 2014年成立的“戳客戳客学院”,定期邀请不同领域的人前来公司举办讲座,学院同时有开设专业性培训课程。 With its own organic farms in Shanghai suburban area, ZUCZUG/ provides both employees and elderly home with free fresh organic vegetables every week. 公司在上海郊区拥有自有的有机农场,农场定期供给有机蔬菜给员工,并定期无偿配送给公司所在社区的孤寡老人。 ZUCZUG/ has annual activities such as overseas trip, allowing employees to gather inspirations and knowledge, and outdoor activities such as outing and hiking. 与此同时,公司每年定期组织员工海外考察、员工旅游和户外徒步活动。 Our company is one filled with potential, but at the same time holds on to our own values. We welcome talented people to join us – ones who are passionate about fashion, talented, cooperative and respect our work ethics and values. 公司是一家有自己的价值观、具备无限潜能、管理机制灵活的年轻的时装公司。我们真挚地邀请认同我们理念,具有合作精神、热爱时装事业、富有才干的年轻朋友加入我们,成为我们的事业伙伴,一起迎接挑战,并与我们一起分享工作和生活的无限乐趣! Please send your CV and works to HR@zuczug.com and we will reply you as soon as possible. 请将您的简历投递至HR@zuczug.com邮箱,我们收到后会尽快给您答复。 Website: www.zuczug.com Sina Weibo: http://weibo.com/zuczug Wechat: ZUCZUG/素然
地点 上海
规模 150-500人
主页 http://www.zuczug.com




